2005. This dataset represents the occupancy permits in Washington, DC 2005.
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7. This point dataset represents locations for charter schools in Washington, DC 2007.
6. This point dataset represents locations of Child Care Sites in Washington, DC 2006.
2004. This dataset represents the boundaries of Healthy Families/Thriving Communities in Washington, DC 2004.
7. The dataset represents the locations and attributes of Commission of fine arts review areas in Washington, DC 2005.
7. This datasets represents the locations and attributes of community gardens in Washington, DC 2007.
2003. This dataset represents the Community-Based Residential Facility in Washington, DC 2003.
309. The DC Comprehensive Plan document (1984) identifies the Downtown Development areas as a key part of the District's Central Employment Area. It is...
2005. This dataset represents the housing characteristics for commercial properties in Washington , DC 2005.
2005. This dataset represents the housing characteristics for commercial properties in Washington, DC 2005.