1978. This image is a 1:100,000 scale topographic map produced by the Soviet military in 1978. Maps produced by the Soviet military were believed to be u... Omni Resources (Firm).
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1978. This image is a 1:100,000 scale topographic map produced by the Soviet military in 1978. Maps produced by the Soviet military were believed to be u... Omni Resources (Firm).
2017. This point shapefile represents the waterbus stations along the marine transit line in the city of Dubai as of 2017. The original dataset was creat... United Arab Emirates Government.
2017. This point shapefile represents the metro stations along the metro line in the city of Dubai as of 2017. A metro station is a railway facility wher... United Arab Emirates Government.
2017. This point shapefile represents the tram stations along the tram line in the city of Dubai as of 2017. Tram Station is a railway facility where tra... United Arab Emirates Government.