2001. Boerboom, Terrence J. and Chandler, Val W. Total magnetic intensity anomaly (relative to the earth's magnetic field), color coded. Interpretation of magnetic data collected from airborne su... Minnesota Geological Survey.
Search Results
2001. Boerboom, Terrence J., Knaeble, Alan R., and Patterson, Carrie J. Map showing interpretations of Quaternary (Pleistocene [glacial] and Holocene [post-glacial]) surficial geology (distribution and type of materials... Minnesota Geological Survey.
2001. Boerboom, Terrence J., Knaeble, Alan R., Meyer, Gary N., and Patterson, Carrie J. Cross sections showing the subsurface stratigraphy and unit characteristics of unconsolidated (glacial and stream sediments) overlying the bedrock,... Minnesota Geological Survey.
2001. Alexander, E. C., Jr., Alexander, Scott C. (Geologist), Boerboom, Terrence J., and Shade, Beverley L. Map showing the thickness (depth to bedrock) of unconsolidated sediments (Quaternary glacial and stream materials) over the bedrock surface and ele... Minnesota Geological Survey.
2001. Boerboom, Terrence J. Maps showing locations and types of mineral resources, bedrock aggregate and sand and gravel resources, scale 1:200,000, Pine County. Minnesota Geological Survey.
2004. Berg, James A. Map showing the susceptibility of ground water in the upper most bedrock aquifers to contamination, including the age of the water as determined fr... Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters.
2004. Berg, James A. Maps showing ground water resources and aquifer characteristics in the bedrock and unconsolidated sediments overlying the bedrock, including the ag... Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters.
2004. Berg, James A. Cross sections detailing how and when ground water moves through the bedrock and Quaternary (unconsolidated glacial and stream sediment overlying t... Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters.
2003. Bauer, Emily J. and Harris, Kenneth L. Map showing locations of water wells, soil borings, outcrops and cuttings samples collected during water well drilling. Distribution and sources o... Minnesota Geological Survey.
2003. Boerboom, Terrence J., Chandler, Val W., Harris, Kenneth L., and Setterholm, Dale R. Maps showing interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments), elevation of the bedrock ... Minnesota Geological Survey.