2015. Jenny Kijowski. This point shapefile layer represents locations of graffiti and street art collected by students during the Fall 2015 section of Art and Politics i...
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2015. This layer identifies Graffiti complaints called into NYC 311 from 1/2015 to 4/9/2015. Downloaded from https://nycopendata.socrata.com/.
2015. Holly Orr. This layer represents objects of grafitti, public art, and other data collected by students in Art and Politics in the Street for Spring 2015 semes...
2016. Andrew Battista. This point shapefile layer represents locations of graffiti and street art collected by students during the span of three semesters of Art and Poli...
2016. Jenny Kijowski. This point shapefile layer represents locations of graffiti and street art collected by students during the Spring 2016 section of Art and Politics...
2020. Bonnie Lawrence. This point shapefile represents locations of street art, graffiti, murals, and other scenes of the Black Lives Matter movement that took place in S...