1945. VMap1 is a vector digital topographic reference product developed by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and The Department of National Defence (DND).... Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation.
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2018. This polygon shapefile represents forested areas in the United Arab Emirates. The data table includes substantial information about the total numbe... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
2018. This polygon shapefile represents planted or forested areas that have a mixed species in the United Arab Emirates. This data was originally collect... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
2018. This polygon shapefile represents areas in the United Arab Emirates made up of pure stands of palm trees. This data was originally collected and ho... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
2018. This polygon shapefile represents plant production for each emirate of the United Arab Emirates. This data was originally collected and hosted by t... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.