1995. Balaban, Nancy, Hobbs, Howard C., Patterson, Carrie J., and Wahl, Timothy E. Map showing interpretations of Quaternary (Pleistocene [glacial] and Holocene [post-glacial]) surficial geology (distribution and type of materials... Minnesota Geological Survey.
Search Results
1995. Balaban, Nancy, Hobbs, Howard C., Lusardi, Barbara A., Patterson, Carrie J., and Wahl, Timothy E. Maps showing cross sections of Quaternary geologic units and thickness of the Quaternary glacial materials, scale 1:100,000, Rice County. Minnesota Geological Survey.
1995. Balaban, Nancy, Hobbs, Howard C., Mossler, John H., and Wahl, Timothy E. Map showing the thickness of unconsolidated materials over the bedrock surface (depth to bedrock) and the elevation of the bedrock surface (bedrock... Minnesota Geological Survey.
1995. Balaban, Nancy, Hobbs, Howard C., Mossler, John H., and Wahl, Timothy E. Maps showing locations and types of bedrock aggregate and sand and gravel resources, scale 1:100,000, Rice County. Minnesota Geological Survey.
1997. Campion, Moira, Falteisek, Jan, and Wetzel, Todd. Maps showing ground water resources and aquifer characteristics in the bedrock and unconsolidated sediments (glacial and stream sediments) overlyin... Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters.
1997. Campion, Moira and Falteisek, Jan. Maps showing ground water resources and aquifer characteristics in the bedrock, including the age of the water (how long since the water entered th... Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters.
1997. Campion, Moira and Falteisek, Jan. Map showing the susceptibility of the ground water system (bedrock and unconsolidated sediments) to contamination,including the age of the water (h... Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters.
1997. Campion, Moira and Falteisek, Jan. Map showing sensitivity interpretations and how the age of the water as determined from radioactive isotopes (tritium) is related to the ease of po... Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Waters.
1982. Balaban, Nancy, Isaacs, Patricia, Little, R. L. (Geologist), McSwiggen, P.L., and Olsen, Bruce M. Interpretation of land surface topography. Map showing locations of water wells, soil borings, outcrops and cuttings samples collected during water... Minnesota Geological Survey.
1982. Aronow, Saul, 1923-, Balaban, Nancy, Hobbs, Howard C., and McSwiggen, P.L. Map showing interpretations of Quaternary (Pleistocene [glacial] and Holocene [post-glacial]) surficial geology (distribution and type of materials... Minnesota Geological Survey.