1999. Boerboom, Terrence J., Severson, Mark J., and Southwick, David L. Data base, Mille Lacs quadrangle showing drill holes, outcrops and other data used to make interpretations of bedrock geology for map M-100, scale ... Minnesota Geological Survey.
Search Results
1995. Runkel, Anthony C. Description of bedrock geology of the eastern half of Houston County, Minnesota, Plate 1 Bedrock geology map, Plate 2 Bedrock topography map. Super... Minnesota Geological Survey.
93. Bedrock geology and structure of the seven-county Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota, M-104
2000. Mossler, John H. and Tipping, Robert G. Interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) and structure map (recognizable feature... Minnesota Geological Survey.
2005. Bauer, Emily J., Bloomgren, Bruce A., Jirsa, Mark A., Lively, R. S., and Setterholm, Dale R. Interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments), drillhole and outcrop data base map (d... Minnesota Geological Survey.
2005. Bauer, Emily J., Bloomgren, Bruce A., Jirsa, Mark A., Lively, R. S., and Setterholm, Dale R. Bedrock topography (elevation of the bedrock surface) map, eastern half Mesabi Iron range, scale 1:100,000. Minnesota Geological Survey.
2005. Bauer, Emily J., Bloomgren, Bruce A., Jirsa, Mark A., Lively, R. S., and Setterholm, Dale R. Depth to bedrock (thickness of unconsolidated sediments overlying bedrock) map, eastern half Mesabi Iron range, scale 1:100,000. Minnesota Geological Survey.
1964. Taylor, Richard B. Interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) of Duluth and Vicinity, St. Louis Count... Minnesota Geological Survey.
2003. Mossler, John H. Interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) of the Mankato East quadrangle, scale 1... Minnesota Geological Survey.
2003. Mossler, John H. Interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) of the Mankato West quadrangle, scale 1... Minnesota Geological Survey.
100. Bedrock geology of the Babbitt Northeast quadrangle, St Louis and Lake Counties, Minnesota, M-160
2005. Miller, James D., Jr. and Severson, Mark J. Interpretations of bedrock geology (distribution of rock at the land surface and beneath surface sediments) of the Babbitt NE quadrangle, scale 1:2... Minnesota Geological Survey.