- Dept. of the Interior, General Land Office (Washington, D.C)2
- Desenne & Menard ; Paris2
- Département des terres et foréts (Québec)2
- Dépo?t de Général de la Guerre (Paris)2
- Dodd, Mead & Company (New York)2
- Drawn & engraved for Thomson's New General Atlas (Edinburgh)2
- E. Mentelle?; Paris?2
- E. Robinson (New York), 18832
- E. Robinson (New York), 18842
- E. Stanford & J. Thomas, Davies, & Co. (London)2
- Edward Stanford; London2
- Engraved and printed by the U.S. Geological Survey (Washington, D.C)2
- Field Operations, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils (Washington, D.C.?)2
- Forest Service; Minnesota2
- Frederik de Wit; Amserdam2
- Freytag & Berndt (Wien)2
- G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co (New York)2
- G.W. Bacon & Co (London)2
- G.W. Bacon (London)2
- Gales and Seaton (Washington, D.C)2