Page 1 - Maurice River from Millville to the Manantico Creek. Map shows the soundings of the river, the mean low water line, the 6 feet curve, 12 feet curve, and 18 feet curve of depth. Buckshutem Creek is also on the map. Page 2 - Maurice River from Leesburg to Buckshutem Creek. Map shows the soundings of the depth at mean low water, the low water line, the 6 feet curve, 12 feet curve, 18 feet curve, and the 24 feet curve of depth. Mauricetown, Dorchester, and Leesburg are shown. Page 3 - Maurice River from the Maurice River Cove to Port Norris. Map shows soundings of depths at mean low water, low water line, 6 feet curve, 12 feet curve, 18 feet curve, and 24 feet curve. Map shows Bivalve and Matt's Landing along Maurice River.